187 participants
Team members make their own arrangements in forming and operating as a Team
37 teams
Teams had 72 hours to generate and submit their ideas, from the 26th to 29th of June
Mentors we call #DreamweaverChiefs contribute a minimum of 10 hours to guide the way until Apr 2021
Projects to be incubated and piloted in one of our partner organisations Contact: poonam@tacthub.com
How can we keep up to date with news on the event?
Twitter @GlobalDesignCh1
Instagram @globaldesignchallengesport
Facebook Global Design Challenge for Sport and Physical Activity
If you have any further queries about the event please email the event team at: sport@ucc.ie
Prototyping The Global Design
Challenge 1.0
What is the Global Design Challenge for Sport and Physical Activity?
The Global Design Challenge Hackathon is a completely FREE event which gives participants the unique opportunity to find solutions to the challenges faced in sport and physical activity as a result of Covid-19.
To find the best ideas, globally, The Global Design Challenge for Sport and Physical Activity is set in the context of the
UN Sustainable Development Goals following the
Developing a comprehensive vision of inclusive access for all to sport, physical education and physical activity
Maximising the contributions of sport to sustainable development and peace
Protecting the integrity of sport
A Sport Innovation Community of Practice
As a GDCSPA impact innovation partner, we designed and host the GDCSPA Finalists Innovation Impact Monitoring Tool v1.0 on Trello and will capture best practices within existing open innovation tech stacks, as we prototype new and applicable Open Innovation—Community Impact Frameworks within the context of this unique sport cohort. We hope to better inform the GDCSPA challenge in years to come through our findings through this unprecedented time of rapid change due to the Covid19 pandemic.
In keeping with TACTHUB's Open Innovation Ethos, GDCSPA Finalists Innovation Impact Monitoring Tool v1.0 will remain accessible to ALL participating teams, mentors, incubators and partners. For more information, please email sascha@tacthub.com.
As an independent think-do tank, we have been requested to ensure that the information and communication frameworks within the GDCSPA Finalists Innovation Impact Monitoring Tool v1.0 will in fact boost equal opportunity for all incubated project teams, as well as enhance the intended learning and progression of this global design challenge at large.
In addition to online support, TACTHUB welcomes the GDCSPA mentorship cohort as #DreamweaverChiefs who contritube a minimum of 10 hours of probono expert coaching.

As UNESCO is committed to align its programs and activities with the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals,
MINEPS VI will provide a platform to discuss physical education, physical activity and sport in light of their contribution to achieving the SDGs.
Special attention will be devoted to global and national policies, to advocacy, research, and capacity building since MINEPS V and beyond MINEPS VI.
The following SDGs are particularly relevant:
SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all, at all ages;
SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all;
SDG 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls;
SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all;
SDG 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries;
SDG 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable; as well as
SDG 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
Voted #1
EnerEthics - Moulding Better Humans
Developing a Measurable Rating for Personal and Community Wellbeing (PQ) based on the World Health Organisation's 5 Growth Promoting Energies, thereby validating investment in Sports.

Building a culture of movement everyday. Our solution has 3 aims: 1. To stimulate organized physical activity during pandemic-like times, 2. Increase the amount of physical activity AFTER restrictions are lifted by removing the obstacle of physical distance as much as possible, 3. To empower students in the process so they feel considered in the design of their program, leading to a personalized set of activities, more satisfaction and interest in doing more physical activities out of educational context.
We're proud of reaching a concept that answers to students aspirations for empowement and personalization. Physicial activities are often a pain for students due to excessive intensity or lack of interest in proposed activities that has no relationship with their preferences and biorythm.
Addressing Affordability and Access to Sport and Recreation.
FreeBay is a web application that helps families identify available subsidies and programs, source donated equipment, locate green spaces, and keep current on the most up to date return-to-sport requirements.
Our project was most inspired by recent findings that point to the devastating effect that Covid-19 has had economically, particularly on families in need. Knowing that Covid-19 is likely to widen the gap in terms of income inequality, our project addresses the concern that the current crisis will perpetuate existing systemic inequalities and further limit sport participation opportunities for marginalized populations.
The FreeBay web application will achieve this by facilitating the delivery of information on fee subsidy programs and how to access them.
Runner Up

Finalists (alphabetical order)
Active Parents Active Kids
City Active
Global Challenge Of A Motor Action Circuit On Line
PLAYBuilder Global by Sport for Life
Special Commendations (alphabetical order)
Activating a Belonging Framework in SPAR
AI Fitness Trainer
Challenges as an incentive for Physical Activity during nCOV
Covid-19 Kit
Digital Innovation: To Practice Physical Activity, e-Health
DIY Traffic Gardens
Football Cooperative (FC)
Fun Lifestyle Adventures
G.A.M.E (Golf, Adaptive, Mobility, Engineered) Support
Independence Ramp
Indoor Multi Sport Development - futsal, handball, hockey
Martial Arts Dummy for self-training
Mental Health in Sport Workshop
Mixed Ability Sports
"Move Well', a Bluearth Foundation initiative
MultiBall iGames
Notre Dame Leadership: "Mind, Body, and Spirit"
Physiotherapy Aid
Player reflections as a means to increase efficiency
PROJECT E-community
Safe-boot Sports
Sports Spatialverse
STAY-Active Supportive technology for Accessible You -Active
THE ACTIVE WORLD PLAYBOOK - The Experience Design Collective
Tribal Sports Festivals
GDCSPA: Core Judging Panel